Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Can Mastermind Groups Accomplish More Than A Single Individual?

I don’t know but maybe you can tell me. If there are a group of individuals with a single focus and excellent coaching, mentoring and leadership that take consistent group action to achieve a single goal, do they hold more power than a single individual? Well let’s build on that scenario. What if many of the group members are inexperienced in the field that the group is focused on and lack the skills, experience or maybe just the confidence to achieve the goal on their own?

Skeptical individuals may beg to differ and say that the real success individuals have always been self starters. This is very true. No individual should wait on another person to motivate them to take the action steps needed to be successful. History proves that these people are looking for and making excuses. Excuses don’t bring success. Determined and consistent action following a proven plan is what works.

Let’s examine this further. History also shows that coaching and mentoring were always critical to the successes of high achievers. They sometimes had talent and other times just sheer drive and determination. But they never made huge or even modest successes on their own. People help people directly and indirectly. The skills, talents, experiences, assets and resources that you may not have can be applied by somebody somewhere who does have them.

You ever heard people say “Nobody gave me nothing. I had to fight and scratch for what I have.” I’m not here to argue with them. I haven’t lived their lives. People have fought and struggled to survive or prosper for centuries. But let’s examine that sentiment further.

Gratitude takes the opposite approach to that viewpoint. Gratitude can begin with the simplest and most overlooked things. Gratitude is expressed for things that we receive. Someone had to give us something. So now we are back to where we started. Mastermind groups give us some wonderful advantages if we are willing to contribute to the success of the group we belong to. Does this all make sense now?

So the question we began with was who can accomplish more? The answer may seem obvious to some but we are really just examining a core principle and a concept here. By considering the benefits and even criticisms of the concept we can then arrive at our own conclusions. If you think such an arrangement might be beneficial for you then maybe we may need to get together and explore this thing further.

Thanks for your visit. Follow me on Twitter for more updates on mastermind groups at http://www.twitter.com/TheCashFlowDJ

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