Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Desire Obsession and Possession: The Six Daily Steps

So what is the exact pathway to transforming a desire in the mind into a living breathing physical reality? We have been discussing concepts and principles from the classic book “Think And Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill in 1937. In Chapter 2 on pages 17 to 18 Mr. Hill lays out six steps to follow to bridge the thought and idea of wealth into the tangible reality of wealth.

Step One is to fix in your mind an exact and specific amount of money that you want as your goal. This clarity is the opposite of vagueness and generalities. This specificity is razor sharp and crystal clear in it’s single minded focus.

Step Two is to determine what value and service you are willing to exchange in return for your goal, desire or obsession. You can lay out a detailed step by step plan of action outlining the specifics of what you will be doing to reach your objectives.

Step Three is to set a specific date as your deadline. This date will force you to focus your efforts without delay to a specific timeline and create a pressure system to squeeze your goal into a finite time space.

Step Four is to take an immediate physical or mental action to advance you towards your goal. These should be a consistent series of physical actions following the written plan detailing a direct pathway to your organized obsession and your desired goal.

Step Five is to construct a written statement of resolution or declaration officially stating your intention and it’s desired result or your current resolve to produce the physical result of your organized obssession and your organized system of consistent actions carrying you to the achievement of your desired goal.

Step Six is to verbally read your statement aloud twice daily while mentally envisioning and emotionally experiencing yourself in possession of your organized obssession and desired goal. This creates a knowing and positive expectancy of mentally, emotionally and visually owning your organized obssession and desired goal.

These are the steps outlined to turn your desire into a burning desire and then into an obssession and then a mental and visual possession and finally the physical possession of your goal. Steps one to five are pretty much one time steps. The sixth step is a daily ritual until the physical result presents itself to you.

Kevin Jackson aka The Cash Flow DJ is working to build a free network and alliance of entrepreneurs banding together to achieve their financial goals. Join our group on Facebook!

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