Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Very Important Joint Venture and Co-operative Team Building Instructions

Alright people if you have come this far then you must really be interested and intrigued by this concept. You might even be excited. Well there are some very important factors and principles to be considered and maintained. There are also some sensitive and critical instructions that must be followed to make this thing as smooth and seamless as possible.

It will never be an automatic slam dunk and we are not encouraging sales hype and sales talk. We may discourage some by not shouting out how fast and easy everything is. It's not. But it is a simple concept at it's core. Things won't always be so automatically easy to implement but it is definitely very easy to understand the bigger picture.

Due to the current structure of the system and some of it's vendors we will be using the old school simpler ways of interacting with each other and transacting business with each other. Much of this may be in real time and may be manual. It may not all be so automated even though we are in a high tech age. Not a problem. All we have to do is adapt and communicate. That's it.

Real time means we have to have established hours of contact and established hours of real time availability. That's it. We all have real lives real families real jobs real responsibilities and real life circumstances. When we go to work we are at work. When we go home same thing and when we are asleep we are asleep. The Internet age is a 24 hour social and sales blitz. We are a microwave society that expects answers and responses with lightning speed and convenience.

We are not going to hire a full time staff or call center at this point anyway. Fine. We still have phones, social media, IM and all that other jazz. Plenty of ways to contact us and transact business. We may not have secretaries or personal assistants but even if we are busy or tied up we can get back with each other and contact our clients and customers when necessary with a personal and human touch.

But anyway that just covers communication and real time manual sign ups and customer service. This is a group and the focus will be mainly group focused as opposed to a focus on the individual. That means:

Group Builds
Team Builds
Sign Up Trains
Group Promotion
Co-op Ad Buys
Co-op Sweat Equity

This means signing up with us means not necessarily signing up under a specific individual but signing up to a team group or company. Not a company as in the vendors we may happen to work with at any particular time but a company as in the team or group you are joining.

By group promotion of a single link or page then everyone benefits then sign-ups and profits are split evenly among group or team members. On the flip side unfortunately the size of each group cannot become very huge numbering into the thousands. Profit splits will then become smaller and smaller and it will take longer and longer for each member to get signups. The rotation will take longer and longer to finally get around to each member.

So fine. Let's get down to numbers and specifics. We will be working and building two organizational structures simultaneously so think of this like a construction project. The main group will at least at this building stage be a 6 X 3 type of structure. 6 members each 3 levels deep. That will still be a very manageably sized group to work with.

First level will contain 6 members.
Second level will contain 36 members.
Third level will contain 216 members.

The reasons for this specific structure will be further explained in another discussion. It has much to do with the vendor you may happen to be working with.

At the same time due to the structure supplied by a different vendoreach person will have an RPC. The levels for that vendor are in a 2 X 2 formation.

First level will contain 2 members.
Second level will contain 4 members.

That is a total of 6 members and your structure is complete. The 36 members from the other structure earlier will go sideways or crossways in this structure. Each member getting 6 members here will equal 6 groups or 6 RPCs with 6 members each.

We are keeping track of this manually using the honor system for this small group. Each member has to be strategically and manually placed or positioned within the group or team structure. This is why we have to communicate with each other in real time just like real people do on real jobs.

On the team training site when we receive a signup or make a sale or join the team or group and become a brand new member we have to contact that person before completing our signup or transaction or even beginning to join or sign up so that we can verify payment arrangements and payment receipts and also proper placement or crediting for the correct team member.

This will take proper communication in order to work as smoothly as possible. When we need to contact that person and let them know we are ready to pay, find out what member to pay and that member's preferred payment processor. We then need some type of verification of that transaction and placement arrangement and verification that we have completed all necessary steps in the correct order and sequence.

The group will all simultaneously be notified at the group or team training site. And that's it. Those are the basics of the group or team build.

Now if you are ready to get started ASAP then let's get you started.

Go here to the sign up page and the training site for more detailed sign up instructions.

Thanks a lot and we all look forward to hearing your $1K story. Tell us all about it when you complete the challenge. Keep us posted of your regular daily or weekly income producing activities and the steps you took including any bumps you may have encountered on the road.

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